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Beetle Tracking – Cloudflare Zaraz for WordPress

The #1 WordPress Server-side Tracking Plugin for Cloudflare.

Beetle Tracking is a powerful plugin for WordPress that integrates with Cloudflare Zaraz, giving you the full benefits of real edge server-side tracking on your website.

Unlock the full power of server-side tracking with Cloudflare Zaraz.

Wanna gain a deeper understanding of user behavior, establish trust in your data, improve website loading times, and accelerate your growth?

Then switch from the old client-side JavaScript tracking methods and third-party cookies and instead, embrace server-side tracking technology and harvest all the benefits from Cloudflare.

Unlimited tracking tools available.

With Beetle Tracking and Cloudflare Zaraz you have almost unlimited tracking tools available, and they can all be setup without a single line of code.

Download the plugin, and get started tracking properly today!

Google Analytics 4

Facebook Pixel

LinkedIn Insight


Twitter Pixel

Google Ads


Custom HTML





many more

Getting started guide

Better data with more tracking parameters.

Beetle Tracking is packed with additional tracking parameters to any action on your website and woocommerce store, which provides you with a major advantage in analytics, reports and targeting your primary audience.

And to make it even better, you don’t need to be a rocket engineer and spend hours on configuring all these extra parameters, we wen’t ahead and did all that for you – just install and enjoy better data!

Server-side tracking for WooCommerce.

Beetle Tracking is the perfect solution for WooCommerce store owners looking to track key metrics and improve their store’s performance.

With Beetle Tracking, you can easily track sales, conversions, and customer behavior, giving you valuable insights into how your store is performing.

Start making data-driven decisions to improve your WooCommerce store’s performance today!

Get Beetle Tracking for Woocommerce

Free server-side tracking plugin for WordPress & WooCommerce.

Are you still not using server-side tracking on you website?

They we suggest you download Beetle Tracking – Cloudflare Zaraz for WordPress plugin from today, and follow our simple getting started guide below – so you can start tracking your business most valuable website user data and analytics.

Get Beetle Tracking Now

Better PageSpeed scores.

Gain better PageSpeed scores and improved website performance, as fewer scripts and trackers are directly running in the users browser.

You website’s performance is optimized by seamlessly loading all your third-party tools directly from the Cloudflare cloud, without causing any slowdowns.

Better PageSpeed = Better SEO rankings and improve user experience by optimizing your website for Google’s Core Web Vitals. This leads to better SEO rankings while ensuring a smooth experience for your users.

Test your PageSpeed Score

Secure your website.

Minimize your vulnerability to attacks. Compromised third-party scripts can serve as potential entry points for attackers. With Beetle Tracking and Zaraz, you can exert control over the actions that scripts can perform on your site, thereby lowering your risk.

Enhance your oversight and authority. Streamline the management of all third-party tools within a unified dashboard to guarantee precision, security, and adherence to privacy standards.

Beetle Tracking Pricing.



Unlimited websites

Real server-side tracking

Enhanced website speed

Website events

WooCommerce Events

Easy integration to Zaraz





Product updates and support for 1 website

Everything from Lite +

Enhanced Conversions

Export settings (Zaraz)

Advanced order completed

Cookie Consent Manager

See full specs below

Beetle Tracking Full Feature List.

The #1 Server-side tracking for WordPress

Beetle Tracking Events & Features for WordPress.

The #1 Server-side tracking for WordPress using Cloudflare Zaraz

Events & FeaturesLitePro
Page ViewsYesYes
Time On PageYesYes
User LoginYesYes
User SignupYesYes
Auto Tools Configuration for Zaraz (Import/Export)YesYes
Unsubmitted SearchesYes
Page ScrollYes
Search SelectionYes
NEW Consent Manager + Modal (Popup)Yes

Beetle Tracking Events & Features for WooCommerce.

The #1 Server-side tracking for WooCommerce using Cloudflare Zaraz

Events & FeaturesLite Pro
Checkout StartedYesYes
Product AddedYesYes
Product List ViewedYesYes
Product PageYesYes
Product RemovedYesYes
Product SearchedYesYes
Order CompletedYesYes
Auto Tools Configuration for Zaraz (Import/Export)YesYes
Payment Info EnteredYes
Order Status ChangeYes
Enhanced Conversion Yes
Advanced Order CompletedYes
NEW Consent Manager + Modal (Popup)Yes

Beetle Tracking Full Feature List.

The #1 Server-side tracking for WordPress

Website events
Free for everyone
Our most popular plan
Page Views
Time On Page
User Login
User Signup
Unsubmitted Searches
Page Scroll
Search Selection
Total Tracking Parameters
WooCommerce events
Free for everyone
Our most popular plan
Product Added
Product List Viewed
Product Page
Product Removed
Product Searched
Payment Info Entered
Advanced Order Completed (ID matching)
Enhanced Conversion (customer data)
Export Settings to Zaraz
Order Completed
Order Status Change
Total WooCommerce Tracking Parameters

Need help tracking other specific valuable information?

We assist you in configuring additional information, including product and post categories, tags, and user data.

Contact us for help

Frequently asked questions

Server-Side Tracking

At its core, server-side tracking involves collecting and processing user data directly on the server, as opposed to client-side tracking, where data is collected directly from the user’s browser or device. Here’s a breakdown:

  1. Client-Side Tracking: Traditionally, when a user visits a website, various tracking scripts run directly on their browser. These scripts collect data like user behavior, page views, clicks, and more. The data is then sent to analytics or marketing tools for processing and reporting.
  2. Server-Side Tracking: Instead of relying on the user’s browser to send data directly to these analytics or marketing tools, the data is first sent to the website’s own server. From there, the server processes this data and then forwards it to the necessary tools or platforms. This is done without much direct involvement from the user’s device and is done without negativly effecting the websites performance any user experience by loading scripts.


Server-side tracking gives you:

  1. Both more data and more accurate data
  2. Better marketing campaigns based on better date
  3. Better target audience based on better data
  4. Better analytics and reports, based on batter data and more event parameters
  5. Better user experience on your website (increased website speed)

Download Beetle Tracking plugin for free, and switch to server-side tracking today.

Benefits of Server-Side Tracking:

  1. Privacy and Compliance: With increasing regulations like GDPR, CCPA, and others, ensuring user data privacy is paramount. Server-side tracking provides better control over user data, allowing businesses to manage, anonymize, or modify it before sending it to third-party tools.
  2. Performance: Running multiple tracking scripts on the user’s browser can slow down website performance. By moving this processing to the server, the user’s browser remains unburdened, leading to a faster browsing experience.
  3. Accuracy: Ad-blockers and browser restrictions can prevent client-side scripts from running, leading to missed data points. Since server-side tracking bypasses the browser’s direct data collection, it can lead to more accurate data collection.
  4. Flexibility: Server-side allows for more intricate and custom data processing, letting businesses tailor the data they send to various tools, ensuring only relevant information is transmitted.

Cloudflare Zaraz:

Cloudflare Zaraz plays a crucial role in the realm of server-side tracking. Here’s how:

  1. Optimized Performance: Zaraz streamlines the integration of various third-party tools and services by loading them efficiently. This means fewer scripts running on the client’s side, leading to better website performance.
  2. Intelligent Loading: Zaraz ensures that only necessary scripts are loaded, further improving site speed and reducing unnecessary data collection.
  3. Centralized Management: Instead of individually integrating each tool or service, Zaraz offers a centralized platform to manage and configure them. This not only saves time but also ensures consistent data handling.
  4. Enhanced Security and Privacy: Cloudflare is known for its security capabilities. Zaraz benefits from this reputation, offering a secure environment for data processing and transfer, aligned with modern privacy standards.

In summary, server-side tracking provides a more efficient, accurate, and privacy-focused approach to data collection and processing. Tools like Cloudflare Zaraz further enhance these benefits by offering optimized, centralized, and secure solutions for integrating third-party services and tools.

Server-Side Tracking in Practice

  1. User Interaction on the Website: When a user visits a website or performs an action (like clicking a button or filling out a form), this action creates data. In the traditional client-side model, this data would be sent directly to third-party tools from the user’s browser. In server-side tracking, it’s handled differently.
  2. Data Sent to the Server: Instead of the user’s browser sending the data directly to third-party analytics or marketing platforms, it first sends this data to the website’s own server. This step can use various methods, such as HTTP requests.
  3. Processing on the Server: Once the data arrives at the server, the server can process it. This can involve cleaning the data, filtering out unnecessary information, enriching the data with other relevant details, or even aggregating it with other data.
  4. Forwarding to Third-Party Tools: After processing, the server then sends the data to the necessary third-party tools, platforms, or databases. The server essentially acts as a middle-man, ensuring the data gets to the right places in the right format.
  5. Feedback Loop: Optionally, after the third-party tools have done their part (e.g., analyzing the data, segmenting audiences, or triggering marketing automations), they can send back insights, results, or any other relevant data to the server, which can then be stored or further acted upon.
  6. User Experience: For the user, this entire process is largely invisible. The primary difference they might notice is potentially improved website performance, as fewer scripts and trackers are directly running on their browser.

Benefits in Practice:

  1. Enhanced Performance: With fewer scripts loading on the browser, pages can load faster and run more smoothly, providing a better user experience.
  2. Improved Data Quality: By controlling the data processing on the server, businesses can ensure the data sent to third-party tools is clean, accurate, and in the desired format.
  3. Privacy Control: Server-side allows businesses to manage data in line with privacy regulations. Before forwarding it to third-party platforms, any sensitive or personally identifiable information (PII) can be anonymized or excluded.
  4. Flexibility: On the server, businesses can integrate with a wide variety of tools, make custom data transformations, or even switch between third-party platforms without having to make major changes on the actual website.

In a nutshell, server-side tracking in practice involves capturing user interactions, sending this data to the website’s server for processing, and then forwarding the refined data to the desired third-party platforms.

This method offers enhanced performance, data quality, and flexibility while adhering to stringent privacy regulations.

So the answer is

YES, we definitely recommend that you switch to server-side tracking immediately!

You can get started quite easily by downloading our WordPress Plugin: Beetle Tracking and follow our easy Getting Started Guide.